What Do You Need To Do Once Your Child Loses Her Baby Tooth?

Child holding his tooth

Although it seems alarming at first, it’s only natural for a child to lose their baby teeth at the early stages of their development. Losing their baby teeth means that their adult teeth will soon start to grow at the same time. But there are a few instances when this process gets delayed or sped up.

There’s no specific data that’ll show at what age every child will lose their teeth. Some children lose their teeth at the age of six, while others start as young as four. Meanwhile, others don’t experience it until they reach seven. A child is the first to know when their teeth begin to loosen. But how does it happen?

How a child loses their baby teeth

A child’s baby teeth play a crucial role when it comes to acquiring nutrients for their body. Not only do they use it for eating, but their baby teeth also hold the space needed for their adult teeth to grow. Once their permanent teeth are ready to erupt, the root of their baby tooth will soon start to dissolve, giving way to their adult teeth.

The process causes their baby tooth to become loose. As soon as the body completely dissolves the root of the baby tooth, the tooth will quickly become unstable until it’s ready to come out.

A child will start to lose their baby teeth to the same order in which they appeared into their mouth. As your child starts to lose their baby teeth, the adult teeth will soon replace them.

Managing your loose baby tooth

Child with missing toothIf your child’s baby teeth begin to wiggle, then keep your calm. There are ways to help your child once your child’s teeth start to get loose.

Most kids start to lose their teeth at the bottom front of their mouth. Then, the top ones will soon follow. Once that happens, you need to go to any kids’ dentist in Riverton to check its progress.

Never attempt to yank it out. Experts say that it’s best to let it come out naturally. Removing it too early can cause your child to feel pain. Even worse, it can also make her prone to gum infection. Kids often find it fascinating when they see their tooth start to wiggle. Although it’s reasonable to be curious about it, you should always ensure that her hands are clean if she wants to touch it.

There are times when a child’s tooth doesn’t fall naturally. If that’s the case, then you need to ask your child to rinse her mouth with water to properly take care of it. If the tooth wiggled or got knocked out, it’ll most likely bleed more. If that happens, tell her to bite down on gauze until the bleeding subsides.

Although it’s normal for a child to lose their baby teeth, it’s still important to teach them how to manage it properly. That’s why it’s a must to introduce them to proper oral hygiene at an early age.

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