Vertigo Management and Treatment: Chiropractic Maneuvers You May Consider

Vertigo is one of the most distressing conditions plaguing millions of people these days. This type of dizziness is associated with the illusion of movement, often a spinning sensation. There are several types of vertigo, including peripheral, central, benign paroxysmal and cervicogenic vertigo. Peripheral vertigo is associated with a problem in the part that controls balance in your inner ear.   Central vertigo is associated with a CNS disorder or condition, such as a brain tumor, a traumatic brain injury, or multiple sclerosis. Cervicogenic vertigo is associated with your neck’s movement.

An experienced chiropractor in Chandler, Arizona might agree that the leading subtype is benign paroxysmal vertigo, which is caused by the loosening of small calcium crystals in your inner ear. Vertigo typically results from head injuries, severe upper respiratory viral infections, aging, and the use of ototoxic medication.

Though several management options exist for vertigo nowadays, chiropractic care has the ideal maneuvers for effectively managing the condition. After a diagnosis of your condition and a full neurological and physical examination, your chiropractor will choose the ideal maneuvers for the treatment of your condition. Here are some of those management alternatives:

Epley Maneuver

With this option, the chiropractor will turn your head to approximately 45 degrees while seated. You will then quickly lie on your back with the head at this angle for about 30 seconds before turning it at a similar angle in an alternate direction. These turns are done up to thrice in quick succession. The Epley maneuver is the most common management alternative for vertigo.

Semont Maneuver

In this management technique, you will sit on the bed’s edge and turn your head at an angle of 45 degrees to your right while lying on your left with the head in this position. After thirty seconds, you will lie on the opposite side of your bed while looking to the floor and return to sitting slowly after a few minutes. If your right ear is the one associated with your symptoms, you will start the maneuver with a tilt of your head to the left.

Foster Maneuver

Most people find this to be the easiest maneuver for vertigo. You will kneel while looking at the ceiling for some seconds before moving your head toward the floor such that it is between the knees. After thirty seconds, you turn your head into the affected ear’s direction and quickly raise it so that it is level with your back when you are standing.

Brandt-Daroff Maneuver

Chiropractic massaging a patient

This maneuver starts with an upright seated position before tilting your head to approximately 45 degrees away from the side affected by vertigo. You will stay in this position for around thirty seconds or until your vertigo symptoms clear. You can repeat this on your other side before sitting up.

The improvement of your vertigo symptoms occurs gradually over several months or weeks with the above maneuvers. Initially, the maneuvers might leave you feeling dizzy and nauseous. This will nonetheless reduce with the continuing of your treatment. Before attempting any of these maneuvers, the chiropractor will carry out different tests to ensure that they are safe for you and will be effective in managing your vertigo symptoms.

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