Take Care of Yourself After You’ve Been Diagnosed with a Serious Illness

a nurse and a patient

No one wants to hear dreadful news, especially coming from a doctor. But it happens, and when it does, life starts to become daunting. Dealing with news of a serious illness is never easy anyway.

While everyone copes differently in this kind of situation, a good step you can take is to practice mindfulness. Take everything in without hurrying your thoughts and emotions. This will help you come slowly to terms with your diagnosis.

Another way to cope with a serious illness is to practice self-care. It can complement your doctor’s prescribed treatments and eliminate the risk of depression, which is common in people with serious illnesses. To know more about adding a self-care routine into your daily life, continue reading below.

Learn as You Go

Understandably, you’re not eager to know more about your illness at first. People often fear what they don’t understand. However, according to Very Well Health, it can empower you to face the challenges of your illness if you’re equipped with the right information. Be eager and proactive in learning more about your illness.

The first person to help you get the information you need is your doctor. Medical practitioners will always explain to patients what to expect from their diagnosis. However, it’s best to ask questions if there are some things that you don’t understand. You can try to ask for resources for reading and research.

Don’t Be Afraid to Discuss It with People

It’s not enough to talk about your diagnosis only with your physician. It can help if you’re open to talking about your diagnosis with other people. But, it doesn’t have to be just any people. It should be to those who you trust only.

When you talk about your illness with other people, they can also feel different kinds of emotions. They can also be affected. And although they will not go through the effects of your illness, they’ll know how scary it is to face the possibility of death. You can talk about your common emotions. Find comfort in each other’s feelings. At the same time, let them know that you need their support.

Know Where to Ask for Help

two people talking to each other

While a serious diagnosis can change your life, you still need to get your priorities straight. By taking care of your priorities, you can have peace of mind, which will help you better take care of yourself.

Put your health first among your priorities. Know where to go. Get the contact details of an urgent care facility that you can run to when needed.

Don’t miss any of your medical appointments. Attend all of them and follow your doctor’s instructions and prescriptions. Don’t worry about your work. A good employer will surely understand your situation.

Keep Your Daily Routine

There will be days when you’re not feeling well at all, or sometimes, you’d rather stay in bed. In some cases, a diagnosis will require weakening treatments. However, if you can still move, be engaged with your usual daily life.

Stick to your everyday routine — from work to hobbies. If you have to miss a day or two of work, never mind that. What’s important is to continue what you used to do, to give your life a sense of normalcy. Being in touch with people, going to places, and doing the usual stuff can give you security and comfort.

Get Support and Therapy

Support for people with serious illnesses can come in various forms. While your family can help, it will be best to get support from a medical care facility or hire home care services. Depending on the progress of your illness, you will need people who can do things for you. Evaluate your current capabilities to know when you can handle chores.

It would also help to join a support group with people who also have serious illnesses. You can ask each other how you coped with your illnesses.

Finally, get the help of a mental health therapist or counselor. A therapist or counselor can help you face your diagnosis in a positive, productive way. You will then be able to address other problems that you’re having.

Maintain a Positive Outlook

Being positive while facing a serious diagnosis is easier said than done. Little things like a wave or a hug from a friend or loved one can help. You can write all the positive encounters you’ve had during the day in a journal. Read them often to remind you that there’s still a lot of positive things to look forward to.

Talking to survivors can also give you a positive outlook. And if you add in all these tips together, you can surely expect that you’ll feel better despite your diagnosis. In the end, you can come out of this diagnosis a stronger person.


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