Signs Your Loved One with Dementia Now Requires Expert Care

old woman on a wheelchair

Parting with your loved who now has dementia can be a tough decision to make. This is especially true if this is your parent or partner we are talking about. You may think that you can still manage to take good care of their needs. But when all the signs are telling you that they now need expert care, it would be best to let go. Besides, you can still spend quality time with them even if they stay in a dementia care home.

But how do you know if expert dementia care is now necessary? The following signs tell you it’s time to find a residential dementia care home in Maidstone, Kent for your loved one:

Mobility problems

If your loved one with dementia has mobility issues, then you will find it hard to keep them safe and comfortable. They can easily hurt themselves if they forget that they have limited ability and try to move unattended. When they now require your help even just to bathe themselves, eat, or run errands, then you may need more help to ensure their safety. By placing them in a dementia care facility, they can receive the kind of care and attention they need. You no longer need to worry about them falling or getting hurt when you’re unable to keep an eye on them.

Medication oversight

A family caregiver may find it hard to keep up with their loved one’s strict medication schedule. This is especially true if you have other important tasks to take care of. If your loved one fails to take their required medication on time, it can affect their health. Medication oversight also becomes an issue if your loved one is resisting to take their medication. If there is a problem with your loved one’s medication management, let the professionals ensure that this task is addressed asap.

Dementia wandering

woman with nurse

Dementia patients can exhibit wandering behavior, resulting in them getting lost. Do you find that your loved one is often confused about where they are? Or maybe they are often getting lost? Then it may no longer be safe for them to stay at home. You wouldn’t want them to wander off while you’re running some errands.


Is your loved one showing more signs of aggression? Are they always mad, screaming on top of their lungs, and verbally abusing you or other people? Are they becoming physically abusive not only to their primary caregiver but also to others? Then this only means that you should start thinking about placement.

Caregiver stress

Caregiving is never an easy task, especially if you have a full-time job and other responsibilities to take care of. If you often find yourself feeling stressed, anxious, easily irritated, and overwhelmed, then you may already be experiencing caregiver stress. Remember that if you don’t take care of yourself, you will find it hard to care for your loved one. You can do this by finding your loved a placement facility for dementia patients.

Some family caregivers find it hard to say yes to placing their loved ones in care homes. Others feel that they are failing their loved ones by giving up their care. Some want to keep their promise even if they are now experiencing caregiver stress. But if all the signs say that it’s time to take them to a placement facility, then it will be the best decision you can make for both you and your loved one. You can still provide them with your love and support by choosing a safe and reliable care home and by visiting them often.

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