Journey Toward Balance: Six Must-have Pieces of Equipment to Jump-start Your Yoga Routine

yoga concept

So you finally gathered up the courage to try yoga.

When it’s your first time doing yoga at home, you might think that all you need is a simple mat and a free video online. However, it is more than just using a yoga mat.

Yoga equipment can go far to enhance your practice and alignment. In a 2020 survey by digital health firm Withings, the practice of home-based yoga increased by 42% globally. Those who want to hop on this new yoga craze will need some essential tools and equipment if you are keen to take yoga seriously.

The yoga industry offers equipment and apparel to make yoga an enjoyable exercise routine. No need to enroll in a yoga class, as having complete yoga equipment at home will make you feel you’re stepping foot in your own yoga studio.

As you progress towards wellness and balance, you may consider quality yoga equipment for a more sustainable yoga practice. Read below for ideas to start your yoga home studio.

1. Comfortable Yoga Apparel

When we talk about yoga clothing, you don’t need to spend money on designer yoga pants or luxe gears. You can start with comfortable, breathable yoga apparel that will get you moving and stretching with ease.

Instead of your tight skinny jeans, you can look for mid-level basics like leggings and leotards. As much as possible, look for clothes that will not hide your form. You can start with a pair of dark-colored yoga pants and mix them with form-fitting tops made of wicking material. Avoid wearing baggy tops as they can easily get in your way.

Women may consider getting a sports bra to keep those “girls” in place. Those with long hair can secure their locks with basic hair ties or headbands to prevent stray hairs from blocking your vision.

While it is not a requirement, yoga socks are for those who want to keep their feet covered while maintaining balance and traction.

It is all up to you if you want to add a colorful flair and patterns to your yoga clothing.

2. Quality Yoga Mat

Everybody knows that a yoga mat is the staple equipment for every yogi out there. A quality yoga mat lets you experience the true benefits of yoga. It provides more traction for your hands and feet while preventing you from sweating as you move on to your routine.

Yoga-specific mats are often expensive, ranging from $80 to $120. Before buying, consider the material, comfort, traction, length, and texture of the yoga mat. You may invest in a high-quality yoga mat to avoid replacements and save money in the long run.

If you want to save from the cost of pricey yoga mats, there are great yoga alternatives that fit your preference and budget. Handwoven modern rugs, blankets, and mattresses are yoga mat alternatives that will make you feel at home. A home rug can even provide you a bit of cushioning on a concrete or hard floor.

3. Yoga Blocks

Yoga blocks help in improving your balance and alignment. You might find it useful in routines that require standing poses with your hand on the floor. It will also prevent injuries as you transition to more advanced poses.

Yoga blacks vary from foam, rubber, cork, and wood. They also come in a set of blocks where you can place both your hands to gain a stable position. Slightly wider blocks are useful for better stability.

4. Yoga Straps

Yoga straps or belts act as arm extenders to reach a pose without overstretching your muscles. Like yoga blocks, yoga straps help improve alignment and provide stability.

Other alternatives for yoga straps are bath towels or belts that can function as a strap. You can also invest in a yoga strap that comes in different styles, materials, and sizes.

5. Bolsters and Cushions

Bolsters act as firm body cushions to support and relax your body in different poses. You may find them useful for restorative yoga, yin, prenatal, or seated practices.

Yoga pillows come in different types: standard bolster, zafu cushions, zabuton, and crescent cushion. These pillows differ in terms of material and function. You can pick any based on your preference and type of yoga practice.

6. Essential Oils and Incense

Finally, essential oils help create a calming environment as you relax your mind and body. You can explore oils and blends that come with various benefits, such as reducing stress, calming sleep, and providing immunity.

Once you have picked your essential oil, you can choose between essential oil diffusers and candles to help break down the oil and diffuse it into your yoga space as mist.

That ends the list of the must-have equipment for your home-based yoga studio. Don’t stress out if you can’t buy these things all at once. You can get them one by one as you move on to your yoga practice. What’s important is you have taken the leap toward improving your well-being.

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