Choices, Choices: What to Do When You’re Indecisive over Wedding Details

The stress in wedding planning doesn’t just come from the fact that there are so many details to iron out. The very details to iron out have so many layers of options. For the venue alone, you can go for the traditional church, the dreamy garden, or the chill beach. It’s hard to pick when everything’s fine. In the end, you feel like you’re stuck being indecisive. If you find yourself in this dilemma, these are the things that should help you narrow down options and pick the right choice:

Mood Board

Go back to what you have envisioned for your wedding ceremony. Revisit your mood board. Just by looking at the visual representation of your wedding design, you can easily pick the best choice in your wedding dilemmas. For instance, if your board leans more toward the carefree, laid-back mood, the beach makes more sense than the other venue choices. If it’s more into the classy, sophisticated one, the church sounds like a more rational option.

Now, if you don’t have a mood board yet, sit down with your fiancé and start creating it. Cut out pictures of inspirations from magazines. You can also print out Pinterest images. Lay them down on the table or the floor and group them according to their feel, theme, or color scheme. From there, decide which you would want to see in your actual wedding. Keep a copy of this mood board on your phone or in your bedroom. Go back to it when you find yourself in a dilemma.

Limited Budget

Your financial game plan is another filter sifting through your wedding planning choices. In fact, there may never be contenders in your wedding details when you realize that you’re working under limited resources. A wedding catering service in Los Angeles that offers a buffet-style reception, for instance, may be the sole choice because it’s what would fit in your budget. A destination wedding may be off the table at the very beginning simply because there’s not enough money for such.

If you haven’t crunched the numbers yet, then take time to do so. List down all the wedding details and allocate percentages for each, bearing in mind which you should splurge and save on. Have an honest conversation with your spouse on who pays for what or how you will pay for this and that. If there will be contributions from your parents, future in-laws, and some friends, take those into consideration in your budget planning.

Expert Opinions

Bride With Wedding Planner In Marquee

If you really can’t decide among good choices, the best thing to do is just sound off. Just ask for help. You can surely ask your aunt or in-laws about which to pick. But beware that you might just be more confused than you have actually been. Your relatives and friends will have varying opinions on things. But they’re all just based on subjective perceptions and on what has worked for them in their unique situations.

If you want to have more objective advice, go to your wedding planner. They’ve seen it all already. They’re also keenly aware of your vision and budget. Moreover, they have no business of sugarcoating the disadvantages of a choice. You might just want to listen to what they have to say about your dilemmas.

Are you tired of being stuck in indecisively planning your wedding? Maybe you need to revisit your mood board, your budget, and the advice of your planner. Don’t get stuck in the loop.

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