Contributing to the Environment with Sustainable Eating Habits

happy woman

The planet has always been our source of sustenance. Whether it’s the ocean that’s teeming with life, green fields with rich soil that be turned into farmland, and pastures that can be used to herd livestock, humanity has enjoyed the bounties of the planet for thousands of years.

However, an exponentially growing global population means that there are more mouths to feed. This is one reason why many industries are mass-producing food, overfishing, and clearing out vast swaths of forests to make space for farms. Naturally, this will have a lasting effect on the environment.

How we eat and our lifestyle can also have a lasting impact on the environment. That said, it’s only vital that we practice sustainable eating habits. Here are some practices that you can do.

Passing on Plastic and Using Eco-friendly Materials

First and foremost, one of the best ways of practising sustainable eating habits is not using plastic ware. Plastic is known for causing damage to the environment since it takes thousands of years literally to decompose.

It’s important to remember that every time you buy products made out of plastic, you support a multi-billion industry known for being a top contributor to waste. A good percentage of this plastic waste will eventually contribute to waste. A good amount of our products and furniture at home will contain plastic, especially when it comes to kitchenware. Fortunately, there are many alternatives to plasticware, such as sustainable bamboo plates and bowls. Not only are these great for children and adults, but they will also mitigate the use of disposable plates and bowls.

Cutting Down on Waste

One of the best ways of being sustainable with your eating habits is cutting down on food waste. Many individuals worldwide don’t have any means of feeding their families due to famine and food shortages. Certain studies have suggested that 30% of food produced is wasted, which can also have severe consequences for the environment. If a good percentage of the planet were made out of food waste, it would be one of the top contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, only a close second to larger nations. That said, it’s essential to be mindful of what you’re buying and only buy what you can for yourself.

Building a Self-sustaining Lifestyle

woman eating healthy food

There’s a common notion that buying locally-grown produce and “artisan” goods is more expensive than purchasing mass-produced products that are canned and bottled for better shelf-life. In reality, buying and growing your local produce is a better choice than purchasing shop-bought food.

There’s nothing better than personally growing fresh produce that’s straight out from your garden. Not only is this healthy, but this is an excellent way of tailoring what you’re growing to your body’s needs. This will also leave fewer carbon footprints since you don’t have to go to shops and malls to buy groceries.

Being able to grow your food is also a good way of practising mindful eating. The fact that you can appreciate the food you’ve produced will help motivate you to grow more crops for yourself while also helping with mental health.

Choosing Responsibly Fished Seafood

Lastly, one of the most important ways of practising a sustainable eating habit is by choosing food products that are fished responsibly. Seafood is one of the most consumed commodities worldwide. A bustling and profitable commercial fishing industry is responsible for supplying an ever-growing population with all kinds of food.

However, overfishing has caused drastic changes to our oceans. It is known for contributing to a dwindling population of some species. Overfishing is also known for being a contributor to pollution and plastic waste. That said, buying responsibly fished products and seafood is a good choice in helping out the environment.

But how do you know if it’s responsibly fished? Well, you can always buy local catch from the market. There’s a good chance that these catches come from local fishers rather than large commercial fishing lines. Most experts would also suggest opting for fish in the lower part of the food chain since they have less mercury.

There are various ways to practice sustainable eating habits while also having a healthy and well-rounded diet. Contrary to what most people think, you don’t necessarily have to volunteer for organizations that help the environment (although that’s also good) when you can start your sustainability campaign at home.

At the end of the day, it doesn’t take much to live a healthy lifestyle. In fact, you’ll save more than usual while also helping out the environment. Remember: we only have one planet, and we need to do everything in our power to help it out.

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