Stress-free Preparations for a Family Reunion

family reunion

Families may be a source of joy or stress. This holds even with the extended ones. Still, we cannot deny the fact that it is good seeing them every once in a while. If you have to organize a family reunion, what basic things must you do to ensure that it will be a successful one?

Tap Key People in Your Clan

Are you going to have a potluck or enlist the services of a reputable catering business in Dubai? Do you reserve an outdoor venue or a closed one? These are some things that you cannot decide on your own. You need to have a good team behind you.

Keep in touch with people in your family who you know can help you with organizing your reunion. Maximize their potential. One may have good contact with suppliers. Another may have the time to do oculars. Delegate tasks and work together to have a better result.

Have a Workable Budget

The budget sometimes becomes the dealbreaker in family reunions. Be mindful of what each family can afford. If, for example, everybody can manage a day at a cruise, then go on with this plan. But if the number will be compromised because of ambitious plans, you can reconsider. A day at the park is as good as any family reunion. Be upfront with your proposed budget. Give them ample time to negotiate, give alternatives, or save.

Choose a Theme

Almost all occasions nowadays go by a theme. Your family reunion should not be an exemption. It could be as simple as color-coordinated shirts for each family. If you and your clan are more of the adventurous type, then have something more detailed. You may choose themes that celebrate your heritage as a family. Your theme will be the foundation of your decorations, food, and activities.

Have Ample Food

family lunch

Nothing binds people together so well than sharing good food. Have food choices that will agree with the preferences of all. Also, be aware of some dietary restrictions for some of the older members. Have a different selection for children, too. If you are having a caterer, make sure to give specific instructions about these things. It is also fun to have something that most of the family have not tried before. Do not be too outlandish about it, though.

Be Flexible with Activities

There is a wide gap between boredom and overstimulation. Make sure that you stay at the center. Have activities that will promote interaction among relatives. Do not go for those that endorse having a family pitted against each other. Instead, have something like male cousins versus female cousins. This way, connections will be formed.

Have something for the kids, too. It may not be as structured as the ones for adults. Let them play and run under supervision. But most of all, make time for easy conversations. Allocate time to catch up with one another.

Invest in Clear Documentation

Everyone in the group will try to take photos and videos on their own. But it is nice to have an official photographer and videographer. Getting a professional may be a good idea. This way, nobody gets left behind in group pictures. Have good family photos. Think of something that can be framed or shared across social media. It will be a great reminder of all the fun everybody had this day.

Relatives may not see each other often. But you know that you can count on them if needed. Make an effort to connect with them. A family reunion is a good start.

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