Peer Pressure: People Who Don’t Need a Wedding Invitation From You

wedding invites

Weddings can be quite expensive, if you’re the kind of person who wants to have a celebration as everyone else does. However, you don’t have to make it so grand and be too lavish for your own good. A small ceremony and celebration are enough as long as you can all be happy.

Knowing this, an effective way of bringing down the size of your wedding is to trim the guest list. Here are a few people you’re not obligated to send an invite to.

Friends of Your Parents

Just because your parents are a must on your guest list doesn’t mean that their friends are too. Even if your folks insist that you do, if you’re not friends or on good terms with them, then you’re not obligated to. It’s still your event.

If you don’t feel that you’re getting the personal space that you need, then it wouldn’t matter even if you booked one of Wichita’s private wedding sites or venues.

Work Acquaintances

Your work friends might be fun to be with, but you don’t have to extend them an invitation. A possible exception would be a longtime friend that you have as a workmate. Otherwise, you’re not obligated to have them come to your wedding.

If you really want to celebrate with them, then you can just organize a smaller party at the office that you can all enjoy together without the formalities.

Plus Ones

Now there have been horror stories where the happy couple decides to invite a specific person, and that individual brings along their whole family. While your friend may not be the type to take advantage of your hospitality, if you’re not close with the people they want to take with them to your event, then you may want to avoid giving a plus one.

A true friend of yours will understand and respect your wishes.


children in a car

They may be cute if they’re part of the entourage, but if they’re just tagging along, they might do more harm than good. They could disrupt certain parts of the celebration, and they may keep their parents from enjoying themselves.

You can advise the parents to leave them with a caretaker or babysitter on that day instead. Let the adults have a day of fun, happiness, and rest from the daily stresses of taking care of their kids.


You might be tempted to reach out to your exes as a sign of goodwill, but you should be careful when doing so. Inviting them might incite unnecessary drama amongst your other guests and you as a couple. It’s better just to eliminate the possibility of that happening and not ask them to come to your wedding.

You can reach out to them using other means, such as making a phone call or sending an email.

Your wedding is a special event, meant for the two of you and the ones who matter the most. Do yourselves a favor and keep your guest list free from the people you don’t like or don’t have a close relationship with. This will make sure that you have a smoother program, lower amount of stress, and less to pay.

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