Maximizing the Space of Your Hostel Room in 4 Ways

Clean hostel room with bunk bed

Accommodation expenses are one of the many things that eat most of a student’s allowance and the meagre salaries of most young professionals. Students and young professionals both need the freedom to interact and start their lives out. Unfortunately, most of them are still living at home with their parents since they can barely afford rent. This should not be the case, however, since there are inexpensive accommodation solutions in the form of hostels.

Many people visualise long and bland dorm rooms when thinking of accommodations for students and young professionals in London and would rather live at home. This, however, is far from how modern hostels look. They now typically feature two, one or four-person rooms with adequate space. Moreover, they are often found in the heart of the city, so you are close to schools, offices, and entertainment spots.

Though a hostel room is generally smaller, there are various ways you can maximise its available space. Here are some tips on how to maximise space in your hostel room:

Use Over-Door Hooks for Vertical Space

Floor space might be minimal in a hostel, but vertical space is usually not. Most hostel owners, however, ban screwing hooks and shelves on the wall. The best choice to use your hostel’s vertical space is to have an over-door hanger. This is designed to be slipped over your door or any other thin surface like your bed frame. You can then use the hooks to hang and store your bags and coats. You can also get one for your bathroom so you have a place to store your daily essentials.

Get a Bed Packet Organiser

A bed packet organiser is the perfect storage space for small items like books, glass cases, and other items. This nifty storage solution will be held in place by the weight of your mattress and have a series of pockets, which you can store different items. It not only gives you additional space, but it also keeps all your items organised.

Be Wise About Wardrobe Storage

You will, of course, need many clothes at your age for fun and classes or work. To maximise your wardrobe space, use a hanging wardrobe organiser. This can be hung on your wardrobe’s rail and can be used for the storage of shirts, underwear, and shoes without eating up into your horizontal space.

Get a Multifunctional Desk

Woman with a laptop and notebook on her desk while holding a tablet

As a student, you cannot forget about your studying. When getting a desk, opt for a multifunctional one, particularly those with drawers, small shelves, and stationery holders. This desk will provide adequate space for the storage of your books and stationery without taking too much floor space. Moreover, it allows you to have an uncluttered studying space.

If you cannot afford a one-person hostel room, coordinate with your roommate on the above space-saving ideas so you can maximise space. With these, your hostel will be the best accommodation to begin your journey away from home. Furthermore, this accommodation option comes with the opportunity to make friends and network, unlike when living in apartments or at home.

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